All California License Holders,
All license holders are required to conduct the commercial cannabis activity pursuant to their license within the California Cannabis Track-and-Trace (CCTT-Metrc) System. Failure to conduct your commercial cannabis activity within the CCTT system by January 6, 2020 will result in the suspension of your license.
If you have not yet completed the required Account Manager training, please register for training by visiting: California Cannabis Track and Trace Account Manager Training. Please reference your annual application number.
If you have completed the required Account Manager training, please contact Metrc support at to complete the credentialing process.
If you are credentialed, but not yet tag enabled, please forward your existing inventory to Your inventory should contain the following information:
- Item Name
- Product Type (i.e. vape cartridge, tincture, edible)
- Weight Per Unit (i.e. 3.5 grams, 300ml, 10mg)
- Quantity
- Batch ID
Upon receipt and review of your inventory, the Bureau will increase your tag allotment, at which time you can log into your portal to initiate your tag order.
If you are currently credentialed and tag enabled, you are required to immediately begin working within the California Cannabis Track and Trace (CCTT) system, as well as with those annual/provisional license holders who are also working within the CCTT system.
Failure to conduct your commercial cannabis activity within the CCTT system may be grounds for disciplinary action and the suspension of your license.