It is easier to preserve the quality of cannabis extracts than flowers. Especially when you learn how to properly store cannabis concentrates. To store weed for extended periods of time you need to keep light, air, moisture and heat away. You can assume the same about extracts. However, the way you store them still differs. We’ll go over all the information you need to learn how to properly store cannabis concentrates.
Cannabis concentrates can’t be stored just anywhere. Some consistencies of concentrate are not meant to be stored in glass jars. For example, most shatter will get stuck to the glass. Then, it will be extremely difficult to get it all out. You’ll need a nectar collector to use up all the shatter that ends up stuck in the jar. On the other hand, consistencies like live resin sauce or budder are easier to scoop out of small glass jars.
The ideal environmental conditions to properly store cannabis concentrates is about the same for all consistencies. However, the best storage containers will vary based on the consistency of the extract.
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