If your business is impacted by public safety power shutdowns that result in a loss of connectivity to the California Cannabis Track-and-Trace (CCTT-Metrc) system, you may continue operations on your licensed premises, but you must maintain comprehensive records detailing inventory tracking for all activities that happen during the loss of access period; once access is restored, you must enter these inventory tracking records into the CCTT-Metrc system within three days. Licensees may not transfer any cannabis or cannabis product from the licensed premises until access has been restored.
If you lose access to CCTT-Metrc for more than 72 hours, you must report that loss of access to the California Department of Public Health. Email MCSB.CCTT@cdph.ca.gov and include the following information:
- License number
- Business name
- Premises address
- Date and time when access to the CCTT was lost
- Cause of loss of access
- Best point of contact for us to reach you
View the regulatory requirements for use of and loss of access to CCTT-Metrc (§40510-40517): www.cdph.ca.gov/mcsb/regulations. If you have any questions, please contact our office via email, MCSB.CCTT@cdph.ca.gov, or phone, 855-421-7887.