{a) Beginning January 1, 2018, licensees shall not transport or sell any edible cannabis product that exceeds 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) per serving.
(b) Notwithstanding any other regulation in this division, beginning January 1, 2018, and before July 1, 2018, licensees may do all of the. following:
(1) Licensees may conduct business with other licensees irrespective of the “M” or “A” designation on their licenses.
(2) Cannabis goods that are not in child-resistant packaging maybe sold if they are placed into child-resistant packaging by the retailer at the time of sale..
(3)Non-edible cannabis products that do not meet the THC limits per package specified by the State Deparnnent of Public Health in regulation maybe transported and sold.
(4) An M-licensee may transport or sell medicinal edible oannabis products Yhat are 10 milligrams of THC ar less per serving regardless of the THC amount in the package.
(5) Cannabis goods that do not meet the labeling requirements prescribed by the Act or the State Deparhnent of Public Health in regulation maybe transported and sold if a sticker with the applicable warning statement under Business and Professions Code section 26120, subdivision (c)(1)(A) oz (c)(1)(B), is affixed to the cannabis goods prior to sale by the retailer.
(6) Cannabis goods held in inventory at the time of licensure that have not undergone laboratory testing maybe transported and sold if a label stating that the cannabis goods have not been tested as required under Business and Professions Code section 26070(1) is affixed to each package containing the cannabis goods prior to sale by the retailer.
(7) Dried flower held in inventory by a retailer at the time of licensuxe that is not packaged may be packaged by the retailer into individual packages for sale.
(8) Cannabis prod~xcts held in inventory by a retailer that do not meet the requirements set by the State Department of Public Health, pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 26130 and 26131, for ingredients or appearance may be sold by the retailer.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 26013 and 26070; Business and Professions Code