(a) The laboratory shall develop and implement a COC protocol to ensure accurate
documentation of the transport, handling, storage, and destruction of samples.
(b) The COC protocol shall require the use of a COC form that contains, at minimum, the
following information:
(1) Laboratory’s name, physical address, and license number;
(2) Distributor’s name, physical address, and license number;
(3) Unique sample identifier;
(4) Date and time of the sample collection;
(5) Printed and signed name(s) of the distributor(s);
(6) Printed and signed name(s) of the sampler(s); and
(7) Printed and signed name(s) of the testing laboratory employee who received the sample.
(c) Each time the sample changes custody between licensees, is transported, or is destroyed, the
date, time, and the names and signatures of persons involved in these activities shall be recorded
on the COC form.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 26100, 26104
and 26110, Business and Professions Code.