§ 5501. Microbusiness Applications Including Cultivation Activities
In addition to the information required in section 5002 of this division, an application for a
microbusiness license to engage in cultivation shall include the following:
(a) Evidence of enrollment with the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board or State
Water Resources Control Board for water quality protection programs or written verification
from the appropriate Board that enrollment is not necessary.
(b) Evidence that the applicant has conducted a hazardous materials record search of the
EnviroStor database for the proposed premises. If hazardous sites were encountered, the
applicant shall provide documentation of protocols implemented to protect employee health and
(c) For indoor and mixed-light cultivation, identification of all power sources for cultivation
activities, including, but not limited to: illumination, heating, cooling, and ventilation.
(d) A premises diagram pursuant to section 5006 of this division that shall also include:
(1) All roads and water crossings on the property.
(2) If the applicant is proposing to use a diversion from a waterbody, groundwater well, or rain
catchment system as a water source for cultivation, the following locations on the property
diagram with locations also provided as coordinates in either latitude and longitude or the
California Coordinate System:
(A) Sources of water used, including the location of waterbody diversion(s), pump location(s),
and distribution system; and
(B) Location, type, and capacity of each storage unit to be used for cultivation.
(e) A proposed cultivation plan pursuant to section 5502 of this division.
(f) Identification of all water sources used for cultivation activities and the applicable
supplemental information for each source as required by section 5503 of this division:
(1) A retail water supplier;
(2) A groundwater well;
(3) A rainwater catchment system; or
(4) A diversion from a surface waterbody or an underground stream flowing in a known and
definite channel.
(g) A copy of any final lake or streambed alteration agreement issued by the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife, pursuant to sections 1602 and 1617 of the Fish and Game
Code, or written verification from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife that a lake and
streambed alteration agreement is not required.
(h) An attestation that the applicant entity is an “agricultural employer” as defined by the
Alatorre-Zenovich-Dunlap-Berman Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975; Division 2, Part
3.5 (commencing with Section 1140) of the Labor Code.
(i) An attestation that the local fire department has been notified of the cultivation site if the
applicant entity is an indoor license type.
(j) An acknowledgement that the applicant understands that the information provided in the
application that is relevant to the cultivation operation may be shared with the Department of
Food and Agriculture for purposes of evaluating the applicant’s qualifications for licensure. If
the Department of Food and Agriculture corresponds directly with the applicant on matters
related to the application, the applicant shall agree to cooperate. The applicant shall further agree
that the Department of Food and Agriculture may conduct inspections on the areas of the
premises related to their respective oversight authority.
(k) If applicable, a detailed description of any fines or penalties for cultivation or production of a
controlled substance on public or private land pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 12025 or
12025.1 against the applicant or a business entity in which the applicant was an owner or officer
within 3 years preceding the date of application.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 26050, 26051.5
and 26070, Business and Professions Code.