§ 5307. Quality-Assurance Review
When a distributor receives a certificate of analysis stating that the sample meets specifications
required by law, the distributor shall ensure the following before transporting the cannabis goods
to one or more retailers:
(a) The certificate of analysis the distributor received from the testing laboratory is the certificate
of analysis that corresponds to the batch;
(b) The label on the cannabis goods is consistent with the certificate of analysis regarding
cannabinoid content and contaminants required to be listed by law;
(c) The packaging complies with applicable packaging laws including, but not limited to,
Business and Professions Code section 26120. Cannabis goods are not required to be labeled or
otherwise identified as medicinal products prior to retail sale unless the cannabis goods must be
labeled as such pursuant to the requirements prescribed by the State Department of Public Health
in regulation;
(d) The packaging is tamper-evident. “Tamper-evident” means a one-time-use seal is affixed to
the opening of the package, allowing a person to recognize whether or not the package has been
(e) The weight or count of the cannabis batch comports with that in the track and trace system. A
distributor shall use scales as required by the Act; and
(f) All events prior to receipt have been entered into the track and trace system.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 26070, 26110
and 26120, Business and Professions Code.