Annual licensing fee for events, physical modification, test labs, distribution transporter retailer, microbusiness based on max $ value
Cultivator is separate
Article 3. Licensing
- 5014. Fees
(a) The application fee for an annual license under section 5002 of this division, a cannabis event organizer license under section 5600 of this division, a temporary cannabis event license under section 5601 of this division for each event, and physical modification of the premises under section 5027 of this division shall be paid by an applicant or licensee as provided by this division. Applicants and licensees shall pay the appropriate fee as outlined in the following fee schedule.
Application Fee Schedule
License Type Fee Per A location All Annual Licenses $ 1,000
Cannabis Event Organizer License $ 1,000
Temporary Cannabis Event License $ 1,000
Physical Modification of Premises $ 500
(b) The annual licensing fee for each license shall be paid by an applicant or licensee as provided by this. division.
(c) In determining the appropriate license fee to be chazged, each applicant or licensee shall estimate the maximum dollar value of its planned operation in terms of the value of the product expected to be tested, distributed, transported, retailed, cultivated and/or manufactured as determined in assessing the 15%excise taac pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 340 L 1. The applicant or licensee will use the maximum dollar value of its planned operation to determine the appropriate fee as outlined in the following fee schedule.
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Annual License Fee Schedule
License Type Operarions Fee Per $ Max. Per License) License Testing Laboratory up to 50 million $ 20,000
greater than 50 million to 500 million $ 45,000
greater than 500 million $ 90,000
Distributor up to 2 million $ 1,200
greater than 2 million to 8 million $ 5,000
greater than 8 million to 80 million $ 36,000
greater than 80 million $125,000
Distributor Transport Only up to 2 million $500
Self-Distribution greater than 2 million to 8 million $2,000
greater than 2 million to 8 million $2,000
Distributor Transport Only up to 2 million $800
greater than 2 million to 8 million $2,500
Retailer up to 0.5 million $ 4,000
greater than 0.5 million to 1.5 millioxi $ 12,000
greater than 1.5 million to 4.5 million $ 36,000
greater than 4.5 million $ 72,000
Microbusiness up to 0.5 million $ 5,000
greater than 0.5 million to 1.5 million $ 15,000
Beater than 1.5 million to 4.5 million $ 42,000
greater than 4.5 million $ 120,000
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(d) Notwithstanding the fees identified above, cannabis event organizers shall pay the appropriate fee as outlined in the following fee schedule.
Annual License Fee Schedule for Cannabis Event Organizers
License Type Planned Operations. Fee Per (Number of Operations) License
Event Organizer 1-10 events annually $ 5,000
greater than l0 events annually $ 10,000
(e) No license shall be issued or renewed before the license fee is paid to the Bureau.
(fl All fees are nonrefundable.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 26051.5 and 26180, Business and Professions Code.